Sue Sacks
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Ongoing Learning Support
Students each have their own pattern of learning strengths and weaknesses. It is important to understand this pattern, and then use their strengths both for teaching and helping them compensate for weaknesses.
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Psychological Evaluation Review
Psycho-educational, psychological and neuropsychological evaluations provide a wealth of information that may be overwhelming to parents or individuals.  To make this information ‘live’, the reports can be reviewed and then synthesized into a short summary with the practical implications made clear.  The recommendations are made user-friendly and organized by who is best suited to implement them:  parent, teacher, student or specialist.

Supporting individuals with learning differences is a team effort. Working together towards the goal of achieving the best outcome for a young person provides the greatest opportunity for their success. Sue is a master collaborator, whose knowledge and insights paired with that of parents, educators and specialists helps to achieve that goal.
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If you are interested in finding out more about Sue’s work or whether she
might be the best match for your family, student or school, contact her at 503-799-2703